Join Our FREE Personal Development Community

Engage with others passionate about self-improvement in our free Discord server.

Adrian Drew
Mind Cafe
2 min readJan 6, 2022


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Self-improvement is easier when we help eachother. That’s why we’re launching our completely free personal development community: Mind Cafe After Hours.

Join for free here

In our server, you’ll be able to:

  • Connect with like-minded indviduals.
  • Ask other people for support and guidance to assist you on your journey.
  • Give and receive ideas, resources and insights.
  • Engage with similar people from across the globe.
  • Be the first to hear about any new project we’re launching.
  • Gain access to members of Mind Cafe’s team, including me.

We also have several different channels in our server, including:

#mental-health: Use this channel to chat with others about improving your general mental health and wellbeing.
#relationships: Seek guidance from others about your relationship struggles.
#money: Talk business, finances and investments.
#social: A voice channel to chat verbally with others.
#co-working: Working alone? Use this voice channel to connect.

Giveaway For First 50 Members

Oh, and we’ll be giving away one free copy of our latest print magazine to five of the first 50 people that join — so be sure to hop in as soon as possible!

Use this link to join completely for free. I’ll see you there.



Adrian Drew
Mind Cafe

Owner of Mind Cafe | Let’s chat on Instagram: @adriandrew__