Laziness is Not a Personality Trait

It’s a habit that you could stop today.

Fleurine Tideman
Mind Cafe


Photo: Adrian Swancar / Unsplash

Within psychology, there is an entire field dedicated to personalities and how they’re formed. Countless questions are asked and attempted to be answered.

Such as: are we born a certain way, or do we develop it along the way? How does intelligence or empathy form resilience in individuals? We look at dozens of personality traits and markers for them. But one trait is consistently missing from this list, and that’s because it isn’t a personality trait at all.

We often over-identify with negative behaviours in a way we never do with positive ones. We’ll say that we are disorganised, but we won’t say that we’re kind. We’re lazy, but we’re never loyal.

We’ve grown to fixate on our negative attributes, and with that comes the idea that being lazy is an attribute at all. Laziness is not a personality trait; it isn’t fixed to an individual for their lifespan and a matter of defining yourself.

Laziness, both in thought and behaviour, is a habit. A habit that was formed for some reason and has held.

It’s too easy to believe that we’re simply lazy and almost comforting to do so. If we’re lazy, then it isn’t our fault that we haven’t completed that manuscript or stuck to our exercise regime. If we’re…



Fleurine Tideman
Mind Cafe

Freelance copywriter. SEO marketer. Aspiring novelist. Top Writer in Mental Health. Writing the articles I once needed. My newsletter: