5 Habits That Can Help You Be More Likable and Connect With Others

Tips for building positive relationships.

Sira Mas
Mind Cafe


I’ve always been a shy introvert. I know how challenging it can be for people like me to connect with others. That’s why I’ve always admired those who have this inherent ability to make others feel at ease in their presence and to connect with virtually anyone. In other words, those you can hardly forget. I’ve always observed them. One of these people is Daniela, a former work colleague from Rome.

One Friday afternoon, our team was in a conference room, and even though we were around fifteen people, the atmosphere was very quiet. It had been a long week for everyone, and while the happy hour was supposed to be a celebration of a project we had recently finished, it looked like most of us couldn’t wait to go home and enjoy the weekend.

Then Daniela walked in, and the vibe quickly changed. All she did was say, “It’s Friday, at last! What are you guys doing this weekend?” With that, we started a group conversation that focused on our weekend plans. I’ve always seen her as the most well-liked person in our department, and that day, just having her there made many of us feel energized.

We all know people like Daniela. For a long time, I thought it was impossible to be or become like her. I…



Sira Mas
Mind Cafe

Writer, Coach | Thrive Global, Entrepreneur, POF, Ladders