Living Your Life on Purpose: 7 Key Steps to Intentional Living

You have the power to create the life you want

Maggie Kelly
Mind Cafe


a young woman playing with bubbles
Photo by Dariusz Sankowski on Unsplash

There’s nothing worse than feeling lost, aimless, and confused in life.

You keep doubting yourself, unsure of what you should do next. You feel insecure all the time. I know the feeling.

And that’s why you should embrace intentional living.

You’re probably asking, “What is intentional living?” and “How do I start living intentionally?”

Great questions. We’re going to cover all of that.

In this article, I will share seven key steps to live with intention, each of which will help you gain clarity, purpose, and fulfillment.

Are you ready to take the first step toward a purposeful and fulfilling life? Let’s get started.

Discover What Really Matters

Before you can begin intentional living, you must know your values and priorities. These are the things that matter most to you and shape your decisions. Without a clear focus, living a fulfilling and purposeful life is challenging.

So, you need to define your core values and what it is that drives you.



Maggie Kelly
Mind Cafe

Maggie Kelly is a ghostwriter who writes about mental health and personal development.