Self | History | Non-fiction

Man Born With Dwarfism and Gigantism At The Same Time

The true story of Adam Rainer.

Sean Kernan
Mind Cafe
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2023


Author via Pexels Images

There’s one thing about living in the past that always makes me shudder.

The medical care.

I look back on every medical intervention I’ve had — and imagine not having them.

My wisdom teeth would be compounding into my jaw and teeth.

My teeth would be rotting and falling out.

Rather than getting a tumor removed from my neck, it would have grown unabated. A giant baseball-sized tumor would be under my skin by now.

Scratch that — none of this would have happened: my mother would have died in childbirth. I was 10 lbs and born via c-section.

But this story isn’t about me. It’s about one of the most unusual, extraordinary, and rare medical cases you’ll ever encounter.

1899: From very little, to enormous

Adam Rainer was born in the rolling green mountain hills of Gratz, Austria. His parents were working class and normal-sized.

At his birth, the doctor noted his unusual appearance.



Sean Kernan
Mind Cafe

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