Mindful Journaling with Day One App: A Comprehensive Review

Keeping you focused, one journal entry at a time

Joseph Mavericks
Mind Cafe


Journaling is one of the core habits of successful, driven and productive people. It enables you to log your successes, your failures, your thoughts, your day in general. You can then use this log to draw powerful learnings from your experiences and grow stronger.

I always have physical journal I write in, which I take mostly everywhere I go with me. But for daily logging and to ensure a consistent practice, I journal digitally. Digital journaling has a lot of advantages: your content gets automatically organised by date, time, or even by location, themes… You can use templates, which help you structure your content in the same way every time. You can carry 10 years of journaling on a USB stick, while you would need boxes and boxes to carry 10 years of physical journals.

I’ve tried many different way of journaling digitally. A simple text document in Textedit for Mac, Standard Notes, Ticktick… I even still use an old netbook I have with a lightweight Linux version installed on it, and I type in Leadpad. But the one app that as helped me the most with my practice of digital journaling is Day One. I first learned about it in an article from Megan Holstein, and I haven’t looked back since.



Joseph Mavericks
Mind Cafe

Living with a purpose and improving myself is changing my life — I also make Youtube videos: bit.ly/3QAEXTm