Mini Habits You’ll Never Regret in Life If You Do Them Consistently

#2 — Clean up your digital life

Tim Denning
Mind Cafe
Published in
6 min readMar 2, 2022


Photo by Marlon Schmeiski on Unsplash

Transformations make me puke.

Who do you know that woke up one day and suddenly became a different person? Or that rapidly went from lazy to a triathlete?

I’m waiting …. nobody.

That’s because transformations are bullsh*t. Real change happens slowly. Change happens when you stack mini habits on top of each other.

Size doesn’t matter. Consistency does.

I know a thing or two about regrets. I pissed away years of my life waiting for one gigantic moment that would take me out of a dark place.

It never happened.

If you want your life to be better in a year then do these mini habits consistently.

Celebrate with cake

I’m diet conscious. I eat whole food plant-based meals.

Yet I inhale cake regularly.

Why? Life is meant to be enjoyed. If you never reward yourself with tasty treats, it feels as though you’re not living life.

Have a good diet.

Just don’t forget to treat yourself, particularly after doing productive work.



Tim Denning
Mind Cafe

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