Minimalism Is the Only Productivity Tool You Need

The root of living a fuller, more productive life.

Spencer Sekulin
Mind Cafe


As a society we are obsessed with productivity.

With all the glamorous viral content bombarding us with the overall message that we’re not only all lazy and mediocre, but that we could be a trillion times more effective and productive and that we should be ashamed if we aren’t, it’s only natural that we feel a fire under our metaphorical buttocks to be super-ultra productive.

So then there’s the rabbit hole: productivity, and time management.

The fact is, we often take it too far — and the temptation, even the demand of society, is to do just that. The problem is, that can be bad for us, and may even make us less productive in the long run.

Of course it matters to ensure you’re productive enough to achieve your unique version of success. But at the same time, it’s extremely easy to drive yourself half insane with trying to be 110% productive, penny-pinching time and banishing yourself to an anxiety-fumed hell when you fail to live up to a productive standard that so-and-so said you ought to be able to manage.

I know I have. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt and the de-facto nervous breakdown.



Spencer Sekulin
Mind Cafe

Paramedic | Writer | Creator | Work In Progress | Contributor for Better Humans, Mind Cafe, and more. Let’s learn and grow together.