Move Your Office Outside for the Summer

7 (temporary) tips for Zooming in your garden

Dr. Audrey
Mind Cafe


Author working in the back garden. Certified outdoor Zoom-er.

It’s as close to perfect as it gets.

The summer breeze riffles my hair. The sun kisses my skin. I smile and nod.

It’s not just the perfect Oregon summer day, it’s a perfect Zoom call. And I’m combining them both: Zoom plus sunshine. Work plus nature’s splendid summertime. Biz-ness — plus pure beauty.

Outside, under the sky-blue sky, I’m sitting, chatting, Zooming, and enjoying it so much more than I do inside.

Since I moved my office outside, I’ve been happier, smiley-er, and more productive.

And that’s a good thing — for me, for my business, and for my life.

“Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads.”

— Henry David Thoreau

Sun follows the rain

Oregon summer is God’s lingering smile after the long, languishing storm.

The temp is between 75 and 90. The sky is dotted with far clouds. And a slow breeze drifts the treetops into a languid dance.

It’s nirvana. Especially after the months of drizzling rain. Especially after the long, damp winter of our…



Dr. Audrey
Mind Cafe

Life is better with words — and dark chocolate.