My 11 Favourite Unconventional Life Hacks

I don’t wake up at 5 am or soak in ice water.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi
Mind Cafe


Photo by Thirdman on Pexels

I have a set of principles and practices that help me live a better life.

And no, I don’t wake up at 5 am, take a cold shower, or journal. But I’m doing okay because productivity and self-improvement aren’t one size for all. We’re all unique, which is why the same deed can serve us in different ways.

Here’s a set of eleven life hacks that help me live a better life.

1/ Owning Your Happiness

It’s easy to depend on someone to make you feel good and blame them when you’re not okay. Not taking responsibility is always a comfortable route, isn’t it?

I’ve lately realised that if I own my happiness, I’ll be happy more often.

Why should somebody else take that responsibility? If I was solely responsible for somebody else’s happiness, I’ll feel so pressurised.

It’s unfair.

2/ Quality

I’ve stopped shopping for clothes on the streets. Luckily, I stopped shopping for footwear off the streets after an initial incident of a broken sandal when I’d barely worn it.

