My Husband Is The Most Selfish Man I Know

Yet I still love him wholeheartedly. Here’s why.

Sylvia Emokpae
Mind Cafe


Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

We met 11 years ago. He came across as arrogant and full of himself.

Because he really is arrogant and full of himself.

My husband is entitled. He takes what he wants by any means possible. He is selfish in the purest form.

He has and will always stick to this one principle: he will do what he wants when he wants. And if I take personally what he does, it’s on me, not him.

This bred conflict, many times, between us.

But overall, this unapologetic sense of selfishness has got him happiness and ticked all his goals. It has got him success in every area of his life. Because nobody will hand you on a plate everything you could possibly desire — you have to go and grab it, according to him.

Dropping Expectations Is Empowering

I came to love the arrogance and the full-of-himself-ness eventually.

Because those traits taught me that, no matter what, only you have your best interests at heart. He takes his love for himself to an almost narcissistic level if we are to look at the world view of its definition. And I never thought I’d come to admire it.



Sylvia Emokpae
Mind Cafe

Hustler by day, mother all the time. Inspired by normal life occurrences because, in hindsight, everything we do is interesting. Chocolate addict.