My Therapist’s Advice on How to Get Out of the “Comparison Trap”

5 days of life-changing sessions broken down in 5 minutes for you.

Anangsha Alammyan
Mind Cafe
Published in
6 min readSep 15, 2021


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Life as a full-time writer is hard.

There are times when I lie awake until 2 AM, wondering if I’m doing justice to my life. The fact that there are people decades younger than me earning 10x more than I do make me wonder if I made a mistake by quitting my full-time job.

The incessant posts on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter celebrating success don’t help. Sometimes, I get sucked deep into the abyss of comparing my achievements with people who are ahead of me. Before I know it, I start questioning my potential and second-guessing my life choices.

A few weeks ago, things got so bad, that I had to consult my therapist regarding this. Our conversations and the journal prompts she assigned made me realize I could be a victim of the comparison trap.

It’s very common these days because of the unrealistic life we see on the internet. We start comparing our failures with their success, our misery with their happiness, not realizing everyone has two sides to life. They just manage to prevent their darker sides to highlight the brighter ones, which misleads us to thinking how lucky they are. This makes us feel degraded and unsatisfied…

