Nine Habits of Happy People That Can Help to Elevate Your Mood

You don’t chase happiness — you create it.

Spencer Sekulin
Mind Cafe


“Happiness depends upon ourselves.” — Aristotle

Are you happy? Right now, at this moment, are you happy?

Happiness is something everyone seems to be after, but where do we find it? What makes a good life? What is happiness anyhow? As Walt Whitman penned many years ago, happiness is so impalpable, a mere breath, and it can only ever be inhabited in this very moment as we live.

What does it come down to? What we do today. What we do now. Happiness is not something in some distant future — the happiness you say you will feel when X, Y, or Z happens will never come. Only when we can learn to be happy now, in these fleeting moments of life, can we truly be open to the happiness that resides in every human heart.

This, in part, rests on the power of our habits. There are habits that lead to misery, especially our thinking habits, and there are habits that cultivate happiness. You need only look at the lives of truly happy people to see that.

What are these habits? There are many, but below are a select few that anyone can nurture.

1. Managing Comparisons



Spencer Sekulin
Mind Cafe

Paramedic | Writer | Creator | Work In Progress | Contributor for Better Humans, Mind Cafe, and more. Let’s learn and grow together.