Nine Stoic Ideas to Turn Your World Upside Down

A slow perception of time is true wealth.

Tim Denning
Mind Cafe
Published in
6 min readJan 24, 2023


Photo by Constantinos Kollias on Unsplash

Before you have a wet dream over these stoic ideas, I have something to share.

One of the most quoted historical figures in stoicism, Marcus Aurelius, also called the godfather of self-improvement, was an opium junkie.

I tell you this so you remember that all ideas and advice come from people who are simultaneously good and bad in one area of their life. As they say, there are no cookie-cutter church boys in real life.

Even the stoics had a dark side to their past.

Let’s get to the stoic ideas that’ll turn your world upside down.

“Self-sufficiency is the greatest of all wealth”


I’ve built my whole life around this quote.

Laptop life, entrepreneurship, digital nomad, side hustles, personal freedom — there are all just modern terms for an old stoic idea.

The unfortunate thing is self-sufficiency has been glamorized by Insta-Glam influencers, which has distorted its message. The goal in life isn’t to show off or take selfies by the beach with the caption “my work day.” No.



Tim Denning
Mind Cafe

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