Not Used to Working From Home? These 3 Rules Can Help You Adjust

If you’re disciplined, home working can be a blessing in disguise.

Stephen Moore
Mind Cafe


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Life has got a little crazy recently. With the current situation, working from home is — at least temporarily — going to become the main form of work for the majority of the population.

While the concept is causing anxiousness for many, as someone who regularly works from home, I can assure you that this situation may, in fact, be a blessing in disguise.

As a business owner, I grew accustomed to going into the office and, until recently, I couldn’t have imagined it any other way. As I began writing more, however, I started mixing home-working days into my schedule. The result? Today I not only write from home, but I do a great deal of my business work there as well. To my surprise, my productivity has shot through the roof.

That being said, if you’re worried about adjusting to working from your home, I have three pieces of advice that you can follow to ensure you get this most out of this unusual situation.

1. Designate an Isolated Work Station

When you work from the comfort of your own home, it’s easy to get too comfortable. After all, it feels, well, just like home. Finding…



Stephen Moore
Mind Cafe

Writer, editor, part-time furniture maker. Subscribe to Trend Mill for critical takes on our dystopian metaverse hellscape future -