Pair This Writing Secret With Your Morning Coffee

Do it so you have time to build your business

Ryan Porter
Mind Cafe


Image by the author

I started writing 1,460 days ago.

Since then, I’ve published over 300 articles and thousands of tweets.

But I’d say I’ve written my best work over the past 3 months.

What changed?

I was writing about anything that came to mind:

  • Happiness
  • Personal finance
  • Social media news

But I wasn’t growing at all.

So I took a long, hard look at my writing habits and I tried something I never thought possible:

Writing in the mornings before work.

I used to write after working 9–5, lifting weights, and eating dinner.

Then I’d write for 20 minutes and play video games the rest of the night.

Despite my objections, I started getting up at 7 AM to:

  • Write my long-form posts
  • Engage on Twitter
  • Edit my posts

Winning the morning is a superpower.

If you knock out your writing in the morning, you can build your business in the evening.



Ryan Porter
Mind Cafe

I manage an $8-figure media team across 3 brands — I’ll help you make videos so you can grow yours. Join 500+ creators