Perceptions Are Not Facts — What You Perceive to be True Becomes Your Reality

We perceive the world as we are

Thomas Oppong
Mind Cafe
Published in
4 min readFeb 26, 2023


Photo: Noah Buscher/Unsplash

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth,” Marcus Aurelius said.

Reality is much more complicated and multifaceted than what we perceive. Reality is not always the same regardless of what we perceive as true.

People often make assumptions about others, experiences and the world based on their own limited understanding of the world and its complexities.

Gary Zukav explains it beautifully, Reality is what we take to be true. What we take to be true is what we believe. What we believe is based upon our perceptions. What we perceive depends upon what we look for. What we look for depends upon what we think.”

We all perceive things differently based on our beliefs, experiences, and values, which determine how we interpret the world.

Everyone has their own version of the truth, shaped by their unique life experiences, beliefs, and worldviews.

The line between perception and reality is often blurred and our perceptions of the world around us are often mistaken for facts.



Thomas Oppong
Mind Cafe

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