Question Everything

Heston Blumenthal, chef, restauranteur, and innovator, revealed what helped him create the world’s best restaurant.

Jordan Gross
Mind Cafe


Photo by Eunice Lituañas on Unsplash

I’m currently listening to an audiobook called If I Could Tell You Just One Thing… 50 notable celebrities from around the world share their single greatest piece of advice.

Most of them are pretty common. Think positive, help others, work as hard as you possibly can. But, as I listened to one anecdote in particular, I couldn’t help but miss my subway stop.

Heston Blumenthal, chef, restauranteur, and innovator, revealed what helped him create the world’s best restaurant.

Question everything.

He explained how from a young age, he tried to challenge conventional beliefs. He constantly found himself asking why, never accepting what everyone else believed to be the norm.

Why can’t cream cheese be an ice cream flavor?
Why must soup be served in a bowl?
Why can’t we taste with our ears?

The people who change the world ask questions. They ask others questions. They ask themselves questions. They constantly ask why.

And if they ask a question which doesn’t have an answer they like, they obliterate the status quo and create something revolutionary.

Mind Cafe’s Picks of the Week

Before I get to the pieces that stress the importance of asking questions, I want to ask you one.

How can we better help you?

This is Jordan Gross, Mind Cafe’s editor, and I’ll be doing these more regularly. Please, connect with us and send ideas for how we can be of service. We are here for you and because of you, so please reach out!

Now for the stories:

  1. 2 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Spending Your Entire Life Fulfilling Your “Wants” by Darshak Rana: A brilliant piece to help clarify what exactly you should be chasing.
  2. Quick Quiz to Get to Know Yourself Better by Sarah Miselly: We don’t often stop and ask ourselves questions that really push us to reflect on who we are. These questions do.
  3. Crafting a More Intentional Life with 4 Simple Questions by Jennifer Haubrich: On time, money, and happiness.

That’s all for now! I hope everyone’s remaining safe and well despite the crazy circumstances we (still) find ourselves in.

And don’t forget, as a subscriber to Mind Cafe’s newsletter, you’re always eligible for 10% off our magazine. Just use the code ‘SUBSCRIBER10’ at checkout, and follow this link to grab your copy.

Much love,



Jordan Gross
Mind Cafe

Son, Grandson | Reimagining Personal Development | “What Happens in Tomorrow World?” Publishing Spring 2021, BenBella Books, Matt Holt Books