
Report: How 34,851 Creatives Are Staying Inspired In Tough Times

Does adversity lead to more creativity or less?

Nick Wolny
Mind Cafe
Published in
5 min readJan 26, 2021


Source: Matthew Henry via Burst

Creatives will do whatever it takes to stay inspired and develop routines — even when those routines are weird. In the book Daily Rituals, author Mason Currey outlines the creative processes of about 161 important thinkers throughout time.

From Charles Darwin maintaining a rigid daily schedule for four decades to Igor Stravinsky doing headstands to clear his mind, one of the biggest takeaways from the collection is that successful creatives like having routines, no matter how strange or eccentric they may be.

So what happens when every creative on earth’s routine is turned upside-down at the same time? To find out, WeTransfer captured and summarized nearly 35,000 responses from creatives for their third annual Ideas Report. The survey, which received responses from across 183 countries, revealed some fascinating insights about channeling inspiration and innovation when times get tough.

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Does Adversity Help Or Hurt Creativity?



Nick Wolny
Mind Cafe

Finance columnist, Out magazine. Sign up for Financialicious, a newsletter on personal finance and LGBTQ+ topics: