Self-Pity Is Destructive — Here’s One Mental Shift To Help You Stop It

Win back control of the situation before it takes full control of you.

Omar Itani
Mind Cafe


  • “Why did this happen to me?”
  • “Why am I so unlucky?”
  • “Why me?”

These are the questions we so often repeat to ourselves when things aren’t going our way in life.

While our intention is to find the meaning behind what’s happening or a way to rise back up again, such repeated words do the exact opposite — they sulk us into self-pity and pull us deeper into the pit of misery.

But there is one mental shift to help you stop this cycle and win back control of the situation before it takes full control of you.

On May 19th, 2017, I had a bike accident and blacked out on the street. I came out of said accident with a spinal compression fracture, two bruised bones, a torn knee ligament (ACL), and a fractured tibia.

Yes, it was bad.

I spent that entire summer recovering: a month on crutches, followed by a month of physiotherapy treatments to prepare me for knee surgery — after which I laid in bed for two weeks unable to move.



Omar Itani
Mind Cafe

Exploring the art of slow, simple, and intentional living. I post here every day: More at: