Simple Strategies to Help You Cope With Judgement and Move on With Your Life

We all want to feel accepted, but other people’s opinions don’t have to control you.

Samantha Blake
Mind Cafe


Photo by from Pexels

Though we’re often taught not to, it’s actually impossible not to judge someone. We judge, and we care about how we’re judged — it’s a form of self-defense. The truth is that we’re actually hardwired to care about being socially accepted.

For much of human history, getting excluded was potentially the difference between life and death. Being accepted into the safety of a group meant having better chances of surviving, especially in harsh conditions. So when it comes to survival, humans aren’t wired to necessarily stand out from a crowd. This is why even when you say you don’t care, deep down, some part of you still does. Because for your own safety, it’s in your DNA to worry about acceptance.

And that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Yes, it can be stressful to deal with criticism, judgement, and unsolicited advice. But the desire to fit in is perfectly natural — and it’s better for you in the long run. The trick is to be able to understand the difference between wanting to be accepted in a healthy manner, and constantly allowing everyone else’s issues to get to you.



Samantha Blake
Mind Cafe

Writer & certified professional life coach for women. Making a change through words and the power of human connection. Work with me here: