Sleep Deprivation and How to Keep it From Hurting You

Prioritizing health over productivity.

Lori Jackson
Mind Cafe
Published in
10 min readSep 27, 2019


Photo by Hamza Bounaim on Unsplash

When I was a young mom, I took on a night job restocking new clothing lines at a children’s store. It was only a couple of times a month, but the benefit was so alluring. I felt it was worth giving up a good night’s sleep for a 40% discount (which was a big deal to this frugal mom).

Have you ever justified giving up sleep in exchange for something else? Maybe you feel more productive using those precious hours when the house is quiet to get caught up on those “things” that never seem to get done. Some people feel more energized or creative in the late hours of the night. Can you relate?

For years I was one of those moms who tried to find ways to sleep less to get more done. Stuck thinking I couldn’t really be productive and get things done if I was asleep, right?


It was my husband who first blamed my grumpy attitude on my lack of sleep. You see when I was sacrificing sleep to do something I thought I needed to do; I didn’t see a connection. My stress levels during the day had skyrocketed. My patience level dropped to zero while guilt scored a bonus point all leaving me in a brain fog functioning at partial capacity.



Lori Jackson
Mind Cafe

Tandem biker, lemon lover, and wisdom searcher. You can follow Lori’s writing by subscribing below.