Social Media is Shaping a Whole New Generation of Narcissists

Welcome to the 21st-century digital pandemic.

Lara Hayes
Mind Cafe


Photo by Nate Johnston on Unsplash

In the era of me, my cellphone, and I, if I were to ask you what’s the first thing that you do right when you wake up, chances are that the answer would be ‘I check my social media’.

It’s no secret that there has been a massive increase in the use of social media over the past 15 years — from being non-existent to now everyone and their mother using Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok for hours on end every single day.

And with all those annoying Facebook friends who just can’t stop posting selfies, a simple — but complex — question has started to rise: is social media becoming an outlet for narcissistic individuals to self-promote? Or is social media actually turning us into narcissists?

Recent studies are showing that we are living in an increasingly narcissistic society — and there’s no going back now. But in a society where primetime television is dominated by “reality” shows as fake as the Kardashians’ butts, where people would rather take a million photos of the concert they’re in or the coffee they’re drinking than enjoy it, this may not come as a surprise.

Thousands of research papers have been written about the rise of narcissism amongst younger generations…



Lara Hayes
Mind Cafe

Seasoned writer and Head of Marketing at a software firm. I have a degree in International Business and Digital Marketing. Welcome to my 2 a.m. thoughts :)