Steve Jobs Was a Frighteningly Cold Maniacal Tyrant

The dark side of this genius you probably never heard of before.

🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman
Mind Cafe


The dark side of Steve Jobs you probably never heard of before.
Image by the author via midjourney

“ Steve Jobs was a major, world-class jerk. A friend who knows about these things — but not Steve — wonders if he wasn’t at least a borderline sociopath. If you define that as someone who does evil things and doesn’t feel remorse, the picture of a smirking Steve Jobs does begin to emerge.”

These are the first few lines of David Coursey’s Forbes article “Steve Jobs Was A Jerk, You Shouldn’t Be” published on October 12, 2011.

Now, it’s 2023 — and after consuming a few books and tons of articles on Steve Jobs, I would say the same thing; Steve Jobs was a huge jerk. The good thing is — it worked out for him.

Before you start throwing stones at me, let me be very clear. Steve Jobs was indeed a visionary innovator who revolutionized the tech industry and managed to make people crazy for a bitten apple. It’s incredibly insane.

Nobody would deny that.

Yet, as the moon has its spots, Jobs had his dark side too. And to my opinion, it’s worth…



🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman
Mind Cafe

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