How To Take Control of Your Happiness

Finding happiness isn’t rocket science.

Tuseet Jha
Mind Cafe


Have you ever noticed how a child goes about his day? Kids spend most of their days in a joyful state. Somebody has to try hard to make them unhappy.

But somewhere as we grow up, that trend reverses. We spend most of our days unhappy and we are constantly looking for something or someone externally to make us happy.

In the last 24 hours, how many moments of joy can you recall?

Now, try asking a kid…

We are the most comfortable generation in the history of humanity and yet we are not it’s happiest one! In fact, all the comforts and advancement in our history was because of some level of unhappiness faced by our ancestors.

Yet, here we are, in the middle of all the comfort constantly living in fear and anxiety-more worried about what could have been or might be, rather than enjoying what is.

There is nobody in this world that has not been happy or doesn’t know how that feels. Somewhere along the way, we just decided to give in to the rigors of life and die a slow death rather than live an exuberant life.

Our happiness is our responsibility, just like a million other things that we are responsible for, which is probably why so many of us are…



Tuseet Jha
Mind Cafe

I write about Happiness, Productivity and Minimalism | | I write a weekly newsletter on Happiness: