The 08 Types of People Who Are Secretly Destroying Your Life

Stay away from them at any cost

🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman
Mind Cafe


Image created by the author using Canva

I don’t know who said it, but it’s true; you are the sum of who you surround yourself with.

That’s why American writer and filmmaker Don Roff suggests you surround yourself with people who help make you a better version of yourself and avoid those who don’t.

But the question is, how will you understand whom to avoid among all the people around you?

Well, it’s not that hard. There are signs that help you identify the people who are secretly destroying your life. They can pause your progress with their tricks if you don’t take action.

So, please take note of the following eight types of people and avoid their company at any cost.

The Negative Nancies: Oh, No! The glass is half empty

No matter what you do, there will always be someone who will find something negative in it.

Suppose you want to start a business. In that case, they will say your idea is not good, or the market is already saturated, or you’re going to fail if you don’t have investors, or the time isn’t right for you, and blah, blah, blah.



🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman
Mind Cafe

Boost Nominator ✦ Editor of The Environment ✦ I share stories to transform your life