The #1 Reason Most People Will Forever Remain “Wannabes”

“Stop being a wannabe and be what you wanna be.” — Unknown

Benjamin Hardy, PhD
Mind Cafe


Photo by LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash

When you think of the word “wannabe,” maybe you imagine someone who isn’t committed to their goals and dreams.

Sure, there are countless people who fit this description. Indeed, the #1 deathbed regret for most people is that they lacked the courage to be who they wanted to be, and instead, became who their social circle expected them to be.

But really, the whole “wannabe” thing actually is a better description of very hard-working people. Dan Sullivan, the founder of Strategic Coach, calls this the “Time and Effort Economy.”

When you’re in the Time and Effort Economy, your mindset is such that, if you put enough time and effort in, you’ll eventually become “successful.” This, unfortunately, is not how you become “successful.”

Dan Sullivan contrasts the “Time and Effort Economy” with the “Results Economy.” When you’re in the Results Economy, your focus is not on how much time and effort you put it. It’s about knowing exactly what you want, and about doing whatever is most effective at producing that result.

The Reason Most People Stay “Wannabes”

“When it is obvious that the…



Benjamin Hardy, PhD
Mind Cafe

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