The 3 Harsh Realities of Forming New Friendships When You’re an Adult

Adult friendships can be challenging…

Sude Hammal
Mind Cafe


Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

This year I did something crazy. I moved overseas to a small city in England by myself to do a master's degree in clinical psychology, without knowing anyone there.

This is the first time I’m living outside my hometown and my country, hundreds of kilometers away from my family, friends, and loved ones. I had to adapt to a new lifestyle, make friends from scratch, and immerse myself in this new culture.

I feel like the most important part of moving to someplace new, either for education, career, or anything else, is to find your people and form a sense of community there. People indeed make your experience living in a foreign place better.

Yes, you can do and experience everything by yourself, but experiencing with other people and especially with friends you made along the way is very precious, irreplaceable, and makes things easier for you.

In this new space that I existed, I put myself out there to make new friends and become part of this community I newly belonged to as much as I could.

From my experience, here are what I think are important aspects to think about when making new friends as an adult.



Sude Hammal
Mind Cafe

B.A. in Psychology. Lifelong learner. Writing about Psychology, Self, Writing, and other topics of interest. Weekly newsletter: