The 5 Best Books for Increasing Your Emotional Intelligence

Some classics and some you haven’t yet discovered.

Christopher D. Connors
Mind Cafe


Nearly three months into quarantine, cabin fever has set in. We can all deeply sympathize with the pain Bill Murray experienced for much of the movie Groundhog Day. That light is not yet at the end of the tunnel. We need some great books and stories to get us through. And for you, my friend, I’m here to provide you with both.

There are many great non-fiction books that will help you become more productive, build better habits, and draw inspiration to help you move forward. But the truth is, there aren’t that many books that will help you understand and manage your emotions and utilize the vast skillset that is emotional intelligence.

Given the anxiety, stress, boredom, frustration, anger and worry many of us face, we realize how important EQ really is.

Emotional intelligence is a personal development tool and career game-changer. Self-awareness, empathy, self-management, motivation and social skill all help us make better decisions, identify opportunities, and build relationships.

Here are five books I’ve handpicked that can serve as a foundation in increasing your emotional intelligence and using it to your advantage.

