The 5 Factors That Determine Compatibility in a Relationship

These are the necessary areas of compatibility for you and your partner to be an ideal romantic match

Martin Vidal
Mind Cafe


Photo by Mohamed_hassan on Pixabay

There are 5 measures of compatibility to be looked at: 1) chemistry, 2) sexual chemistry, 3) shared interests, 4) shared values, and 5) the capacity to build together.

Chemistry is something of an abstraction, a certain je ne sais quoi, but you know it when you feel it — often, immediately. It’s the effortlessness with which you can interact with a person. It’s the way the conversation flows, the synchrony of your wants and movements, and the subtle pulse communicating back and forth almost subconsciously. The most straightforward assessment of it is what I call the “DMV test.” When you get stuck in boring situations with that person, like wading through traffic, waiting for a doctor’s appointment, or, God forbid, having to go to the Department of Motor Vehicles together, do you still have fun? If so, then I believe you have the number one most important thing a relationship needs.

Sexual chemistry is, in part, an extension of general chemistry. Feeling comfortable with each other, and otherwise in sync, can get you part of the way there in bed, but it won’t be everything you need. If you’re going to maintain a sexual…



Martin Vidal
Mind Cafe

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