The Art of Embracing Uncertainty

The lessons I learned from a lifelong habit of excessive eating and drinking.

Molly Zemek
Mind Cafe


Courtesy of Zachary Kadolph from Unsplash

Three years ago, I radically changed my mental and physical health. I ended a lifelong habit of eating and drinking too much, and lost over 35 pounds in the process. At the start of 2020, I felt unstoppable and was helping people all over the world change their relationship with food.

Then news of the pandemic broke. Schools closed, businesses went virtual, and suddenly I found myself home with my husband and three young boys. Every. Single. Day. What was once a quiet workspace quickly morphed into a quasi-home school, strewn with dirty dishes, mismatched socks, and uncontainable energy.

Life as I knew it turned upside-down. My sense of certainty in the future, and what I could predict about my day-to-day life was shaken. In the absence of security, I decided to stock up on wine and ice cream. These were unprecedented times, and I wanted comfort from my old friend, food.

I knew enough about mental health by then to see I was falling back into an old pattern. Unless I wanted to regain all the weight I worked so hard to lose, I had to handle this situation differently.

Then it dawned on me…

Uncertainty is Not a Problem Unless



Molly Zemek
Mind Cafe

I am a chef and life coach who helps people change their relationship with food and alcohol. You can learn more at