The Best Meditative Awakening Technique I Know

I am all, and all is me.

Michael Papas
Mind Cafe


StockSnap from Pixabay

Take a seat on a comfortable chair or cushion. Consciously relax your body, paying close attention to any niggles or prickles that come up.

Then bring attention to your breath for a while, following each exhalation all the way to its end.

Once your nervous system calms, stare ahead into space, with eyes open. Keep vision wide, focusing on nothing but seeing everything. Take in the periphery.

Now, try to stare at the space between you and what you see. If there’s a wall in front of you, stare at the air between you and the wall.

Now, you have the sensation of seeing the space, of taking in the whole visual field. But it still feels like you — the subject — are staring at the visual field — the object.

So, turn attention around and look for the subject. Keeping vision wide, look for yourself. Look for your head. See if you can find what’s looking.

Here, the distinction between subject and object may begin to break down. Instead of a subject seeing objects, there is merely the process: ‘seeing’.

You might vividly sense here that to ‘see’ is not to draw a line between the ‘seer’ and the ‘seen’. There is only ‘seeing’, an experience occurring in the…



Michael Papas
Mind Cafe

Insights from neuroscience, non-dual mindfulness, and psychedelics to upgrade your awareness. For gigs or just to chat, get me at