The CEO of Airbnb Taught Us an Extraordinary Lesson When He Fired 25% of His Company

Being human makes you more money in the long-term.

Tim Denning
Mind Cafe
Published in
10 min readMay 10, 2020


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Letters from CEOs rarely move me. They’re often full of corporate-speak and half-truths. The CEO and Co-Founder of Airbnb, Brian Chesky, changed that with his letter to employees.

The global economy is having a sudden cardiac arrest and despite Brian’s social media following and celebrity status amongst the startup community, he too has been forced to act. His beloved company will axe 1900 out of their 7500 employees.

There is no easy way for a CEO to do that. Many CEO’s before Brian have had to do exactly the same and mostly done it in a heartless way with an in-genuine apology. I remember being let go from my job last year and crying for no reason at all. It hurts. I wouldn’t wish that feeling on my worst enemy.

But Brian gave us hope with his letter.

He took a different approach that we can all learn from, even if you’re not the CEO. He taught us how to do business with people again in this incredibly difficult time in human history.

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Tim Denning
Mind Cafe

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