The Coronavirus Pandemic Sucks, But It’s Also an Opportunity to Grow

Hard times are an opportunity to exercise your greatest strengths.

Spencer Sekulin
Mind Cafe


“Hard times build determination and inner strength. Through them we can also come to appreciate the uselessness of anger.” — Dalai Lama

Life, and all the hardships therein, are only what we make of them.

Hard times are part of the seasons of life, be they recessions, lost loved ones, lost opportunities, sickness, or coronavirus pandemics — and that’s okay. Time and time again they come — and will come — and time and time again we are faced with an opportunity.

We’ve all seen the toilet paper pandemonium. We’ve all heard the doom-and-gloom. We’ve all seen the red ink and felt the contagious unease.

While none of this is the norm, it is still part of life — and is still part of the seasons and soil we are handed each passing moment, from which we must plant and nurture our hopes, our dreams, our successes, and our legacies.

Here’s how I see it: there is opportunity even in this.

No, I’m not talking about the morally bankrupt folks who hoard Lysol wipes and resell them online for…



Spencer Sekulin
Mind Cafe

Paramedic | Writer | Creator | Work In Progress | Contributor for Better Humans, Mind Cafe, and more. Let’s learn and grow together.