The Downside of Being Attractive (According to Science)

What if being attractive isn’t what you expect?

Claire Lowe
Mind Cafe


Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

It’s no secret that being attractive comes with multiple advantages: You find more partners, feel more confident, and receive more opportunities (to mention a few). Your looks make you stand out.

Who wouldn’t want that?

Maybe you shouldn’t. What if being attractive wasn’t the fairytale you think it is? What if you’re stressing over the wrong thing this whole time?

I found a scientific study that shows a slight downside to being attractive.

What the study says.

The goal of the research was to find out the relationship between attractiveness and human traits.

Before I dig into the findings, let me give you a quick background.

Human traits are either warm or competent. Warm traits are associated with your social skills. That’s how nice you are, how you make friends, or how you talk to others. Competent traits are associated with your work. So how effective you are, your intelligence, and ambition.

Before I bore you with scientific details, here’s a summary of the research:

  • Sample: 42 women.
  • Methodology: the…



Claire Lowe
Mind Cafe

Self-proclaimed writer. I write for creators, lovers, and curious people. Open to gigs: