The Harsh Reality of Online Dating

What holds us back from finding a long-term relationship.

Thom Gallet
Mind Cafe


Two people standing back to back
Photo by Henri Pham on Unsplash

When it really comes down to it, everyone craves some level of companionship. The salsa to our chips, the coffee to our morning, the hat to our bad hair day.

It’s what drives us to live the life we live, as we often tend to make tough choices based on the pursuit of this company.

Between all of these difficult choices, a relatively simpler one is deciding whether or not to try meeting someone online.

According to the Statistic Brain Research Institute, roughly 49.7 million Americans have tried online dating. This number was approximately 5 million short from the number of people single in America at the time.

It’s now become the social norm to have a dating app or profile when you’re single, even if you aren’t really looking for anyone. Meeting people is viewed as harmless fun, and most people have these apps, as a perceived perk of singledom.

Often times, however, these sites and app’s userbase get a bad rap from onlookers already in relationships. It’s labeled as the online embodiment of a dirty nightclub dancefloor, where everyone shows up for superficial, shallow reasons.



Thom Gallet
Mind Cafe

Writing optimistic unsolicited advice and opinions.