The Key to Living a Better Life Lies in the Decisions You Make Today

Life gets better the moment you decide that you can live a better life.

Spencer Sekulin
Mind Cafe


“You’re always one decision away from a totally different life.” — Mark Batterson

Are you living a good life at this moment? Is the life you’re living the life you wanted? Are you happy with yourself? Are you happy with what your future holds? Are you searching for, or have you found, the opportunity that will take you towards the beautiful vision you have for your life?

I would have said yes to most of those not long ago, yet I realized just how quickly a yes can turn into a no.

Life is hard, it always has been. What’s going on right now in your life? What hurts? What sucks? There’s probably something. For me there certainly is. As of late, I’ve gone through some painful realities. Life felt unfair. Life felt pointless. Despair is a feeling, a visceral sensation, and it’s not something I would wish on anyone.

One of the hardest decisions we’ll ever face, as Ziad Abdelnour said, is choosing whether to walk away or to try harder. Are you feeling the same way? So many people are these days, and I want to tell you, them, that things can change — but first, we…



Spencer Sekulin
Mind Cafe

Paramedic | Writer | Creator | Work In Progress | Contributor for Better Humans, Mind Cafe, and more. Let’s learn and grow together.