A Simple Idea That Can Make Every Moment of Your Life Extraordinary

Every time you do something could be the last time you do it.

Stephan Joppich
Mind Cafe


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Recently, a relative told me a bizarre story.

It all started like a typical day, he told me. He drove to work and did his job as usual. Then, at lunch, one of his co-workers approached him. “You know what,” she said unsuspectingly, “I feel like I need to exercise again. It’s been a while.” Of course, none of them made much of it — just the usual dose of small talk.

The next day, however, something unexpected happened. The co-worker couldn’t walk up the stairs anymore.

Diagnosis: ovarian cancer.

They gave her six months to live.

Sometime later, it turned out the doctors were mistaken. It was actually peritoneal cancer. And while this revoked her sudden death sentence, it didn’t make the situation any less tragic. It’s still a dangerous disease and immensely difficult (if not impossible) to treat.

Now, I don’t know how the story continues (or ends). But I’m sure about this: That co-worker wasn’t aware it’d be the last day of her life as she’d known it. The last time she would come into work. The last time she would have the option to exercise. The last time she would walk up the…



Stephan Joppich
Mind Cafe

Engineer turned philosophy student • I write about loneliness, minimalism, and books that changed my life • More food for thought → stephanjoppich.com