The Measure of a Good Life

And why you might be top-of-class

Eve Arnold
Mind Cafe


Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

I was driving home the other day. I looked out the window at the rolling hills. The sheep. The blue sky. The roads were wonderfully quiet, it was total bliss.

I bumbled along the hills, thinking to myself, that maybe this was it. This was how I measured a good life.

You see for years I’d worked my way to this spot. To the countryside for starters. I’d lived in a big town and commuted to a big city. It wasn’t for me. The noise, the people, the hustle and bustle. It all made me a little uneasy.

For the last 4 years, my sights have been set on a quieter way of living. Quiet in all aspects. Quiet, without drama. Quiet, without expectations. Quiet, without complication.

And now here I was living it.

What is the measure?

It got me thinking, how do you measure a good life? Is it the number of things you own, the goals you achieve, the milestones you tick off?

For the longest time, I thought the value was in the external things. You know, house, car, job. All the stuff that is so easy to measure so often steals the limelight.

Up until about 25, I believed all that stuff.

