The Money Cheat Codes I Stole from People Smarter than Me

There’s at least one unconventional idea you’ll find helpful.

Tim Denning
Mind Cafe
Published in
7 min readOct 19, 2021


Photo by Jeroen Bosch on Unsplash

Reframes act like money cheat codes.

Cognitive reframing, as it’s known, is how we view an area of our life through a frame. That frame determines your point of view. Research says “When that frame is shifted, the meaning changes, and thinking and behavior often shift along with it.”

People smarter than me reframed my basic ideas about money. Here are the best ones.

It’s hard to outearn bad spending

There are brilliant surgeons, lawyers, engineers who still don’t sleep well at night because they took their $300,000+ salary

Then bought a $900k home, $100k Porsche, $70k Tesla, and $400k beach home

Their income is now a slave to debt because it’s hard to outearn bad spending.


As much as I hate college it is required for people like doctors, lawyers, and engineers. Many of them end up making a lot of money because their skills are crucial for society to function.

A lot of them work extremely hard though. They never see their families. They rarely take holidays. It’s not that their job…



Tim Denning
Mind Cafe

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