The Only Four Books Bill Gates Has Rated Five Stars

A crash course in a better world.

Amardeep Parmar
Mind Cafe


Image created by the author — original from Wikimedia Commons

When checking out the reviews for Jared Diamond’s Upheaval, the last name I expected at the top was the $100 billion Microsoft founder. I assumed it was a spoof account, surely he is too busy saving the world to have time for this kind of thing.

But in reality, Bill Gates is providing fascinating insights in reviews himself on Goodreads.

Let’s face it, there are a lot of books with catchy titles and interesting blurbs that are mediocre. I’ve fallen prey to many of them myself. It’s what makes the allure of curated lists so powerful. People want recommendations from those who are successful and we feel we can trust. You’ll find many lists of Bill Gates’s recommendations online.

But I stumbled on a goldmine. He’s tracked 233 books and of all these only four received top marks. He’s a harsh critic with Yuval Noah Hariri’s 21 Lessons For The 21st Century earning only 3 stars.

They are all about how to make this world a better place and align with his philanthropy through the Melinda Gates Foundation. If you want to think like Bill Gates, read more about the world and less about how to make money.

I’ve read the exclusive books before and cannot question the inspiration and…



Amardeep Parmar
Mind Cafe

Founder of The BAE HQ @amardeepbae + Host of Entrepreneur's Handbook ☆ I help the ambitious develop deep self awareness ☆