The Only Moment You’ll Ever Have is This One

You exist three times over — in the past, the present and the future. But really, all are the same.

Emily Wilcox
Mind Cafe


We measure our lives by these three phenomenons — the past, present and future. They infiltrate our every move. We let them define us, dictate us, determine how our life unfolds. And I guess in some ways, that’s their purpose. To tether ourselves to a beginning and provide a place for us to head towards. Journeying from A to Z, with a whole chunk of letters in the middle. the past and the future, with the present crammed inside.

We are born on A. We stride towards Z. We get swallowed whole by the need to get from one to the other as sufficiently and as swiftly as possible. We focus on them so acutely that we fail to see the 24 other Letters of Life unfold around us.

Which is odd, when you think about it. Because, in reality, no matter how caught up we get with the past and the future, it’s only the present that we’ll ever truly know.

The Past

The past is abstract, it exists only as a concept. Because whilst we’re experiencing it, it’s really just the present. It’s only after the present has occurred that it becomes the past. It’s no longer this tangible timeline, but instead, it becomes a token, a…



Emily Wilcox
Mind Cafe

In a parallel universe I imagine I’m an astro-archaeologer or an orange cat (either way, I’m curled up on the moon) but here, and forever, I’m a storyteller.