The Pessimist’s Guide To Success

Harness your negative energy and use it to your advantage.

Richard Michael Hui
Mind Cafe


I am, by nature, a pessimist. And if you are anything like me, you know what it feels like.

It means you’re the guy who immediately looks for all the problems when a new plan or idea is suggested, finding all the reasons why it won’t work, and overall be a mood dampener.

You see, I think everyone believes being pessimistic about anything doesn’t help. We’re told to stay positive when things are looking bleak and to hope for the best when the odds are against us.

I think we’ve been brainwashed into thinking that way.

We aren’t either a pessimist or an optimist. We’re both. It’s just that we are more attuned to one over the other. We draw emotional energy from both of these traits — energy that guides our thoughts and actions.

A pessimist draws upon his negative energy from having a particular outlook on life. Specifically: any given situation in your life can easily get worse at a moment’s notice so you should expect it to.

Bleak, I know. With that, let’s begin harnessing that negative energy to your benefit. Read on.

Two Sides To Pessimism



Richard Michael Hui
Mind Cafe

Self-Help and Personal Development Enthusiast | Introspective Introvert | Explorer of Our Odd Behaviour