The Place Beyond Expectations

A quiet place in the middle of nowhere

Eve Arnold
Mind Cafe


Photo by Elise Zimmerman on Unsplash

Are you willing to dedicate your life to writing, knowing that you might never get anything in return?

This year I set out to make $100,000 on the internet.

A few months back I made $7,888 in one month and I lost all motivation. It was the worst month of this year. The one month I got eye-wateringly close to my goals ($100,000 is $8,333 per month), I felt empty.

That month was miserable. Every change I stalked. Every purchase I tracked. Every experiment I obsessed about. It took over my life. Every conversation centred around money, it was, boring.

Expectations kill joy

Do you wanna know the best time I’ve ever had writing on the internet?

I’ll let you into a little secret that honestly, I’ve only just really figured out. It was the period of time when I had no idea what I was doing, when $100 felt like a million bucks and I was just writing to explore my mind.

There is a pureness that comes from low expectations. There is a peace that comes from zero expectations. As things get bigger, inevitability you start to expect more and more.

But the truth is, more is empty if it’s not routed in purpose.

