The Power of Practical Thinking Explained in 50 Sentences

Tomorrow is ready, even if you aren’t.

Jessica Wildfire
Mind Cafe


You and I could sit around all day drinking mojitos and talking about how unfair everything is. We could buy each other shots all night, and make each other cry until dawn.

Or we could do something.

It’s always that simple. When I was 16 and dealing with an abusive, mentally-ill mom, I didn’t lie awake wishing for a better life. I thought about how I was going to get the h-e-l-l out of there. I thought about what I was going to do when I turned 18. And then I got the h-e-l-l out of there.

I was looking at a great future. I had a 4.0 GPA. I entered college with enough AP credits to graduate a year early. And yet, somehow I screwed it up.

Despite a full scholarship and a part-time job I liked, I started hanging out with hipsters who allowed me to feel sorry for myself. They enabled my worst habits, especially an obsession with the nice loving family and accepting parents I would never have.

That stuff is like quicksand. By the end of my sophomore year, I was a flunkie with no purpose who thought everyone hated her.

Then I tried positive thinking, instead of actually processing my emotions. It made everything worse. Positive thinking…

