The Productivity Game Is Rigged. And You’re on the Wrong Side of It.

Being productive is not THE solution. Here’s what you need to know.

Anirban Kar
Mind Cafe


Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels

If you are reading this, you might be suffering from one of these two issues:

  1. None of the productivity tips are working for you.
  2. No matter what you do or how hard you, try you never feel like you have made it there.

Now, why is this the case? There can be many reasons. Maybe you are not all clear about your goals yet. Or your routine might be draining you. However, in most cases, it comes down to one thing. What would that be?

Well, it is the glorification of unachievable productivity.

Where does chasing this mirage get us? It leads us right into the trap of hustle culture.

More on that later. But first, let me share a first-hand experience. It is about how overdependence on productivity killed a startup.

It was 2016, right after my finals in college. My cousin called up. He was offering me a job in his brand-new eCommerce startup. The idea was to approach local business owners to set up and manage their e-store accounts like Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, etc. Me, not having a full-time in-house experience at…



Anirban Kar
Mind Cafe

Indian blogger. Words in Mind Cafe, Start Up, & Better Humans. Support me by getting a Membership here: