The Science Behind the Enemy of Procrastination

No, it’s not because you’re lazy.

Tina S
Mind Cafe


Procrastination: the act of delaying or postponing a task or set of tasks.

Sound familiar? Welcome to the club.

As a student, I am a little too acquainted with procrastination. Honestly, at this point, I wait for it to happen. With any schedule, I make sure to leave several hours open to, well, procrastinate. To be fair, I don’t call it “procrastination”; I call it a break. And that innocent break is often three times longer than the time spent working.

Please, don’t confuse a break with relaxation. My standard break has nothing to do with “relaxing” — it's the exact opposite. During the delay, my stress levels would be skyrocketing, and my muscles tensing. I find my hands clenched at times and my mind fixated on one specific thing.

My work. All of my work. But, as a rule of procrastination, you should never give in to that anxiety. Just keep doing nothing. Why would I do something that requires focus and effort when I could just watch Netflix?

Okay, I admit, it’s a problem. In general, to solve any problem, you must first find its root. That is why it’s critical to understand the science behind our experiences.

Procrastination Leaves No One…



Tina S
Mind Cafe

Nutritionist that writes everything related to good physical and mental health. For writing services, please contact: