The Secret to Personal Growth Nobody Is Talking About

Experiencing unconditional love is the catalyst for personal growth.

Karo Wanner
Mind Cafe


The Secret to Personal Growth Nobody Is Talking About
Photo by Daniel J. Schwarz on Unsplash

We are all hunting for personal growth. We work hard, we learn all the hacks and strategies, and don't give up.

That’s great — it takes a lot of grit to get so far.

Personal growth is also pretty self-centered. Everything is about you.

It suggests you have to make it alone.

But one big thing the usual personal growth guru will not mention as a catalyst for personal growth is LOVE.

No — not self-love. Romantic love or a deep friendship. You wonder how love can help you with your personal growth journey then stay with me for 3 minutes.

How unconditional love boosts personal growth

We all have some sort of trauma.

Where did we get that from?

From somewhere in our life when we did not receive the love we badly needed.

Bam — a trauma is created.

Personal growth is nothing else than overcoming our traumas.

Personal growth is not a matter of learning new information but of…



Karo Wanner
Mind Cafe

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