The (Strangely Positive) Power of Jealousy

How to turn a destructive emotion into a benefit.

Tom Beck
Mind Cafe


Photo by Molly Belle on Unsplash

Jealousy is a powerful emotion. It’s often destructive — it contaminates your heart and soul and makes it impossible to enjoy anything in your life. In Othello, Shakespeare writes of jealousy:

“But jealous souls will not be answered so.

They are not ever jealous for the cause,

But jealous for they’re jealous. It is a monster

Begot upon itself, born on itself.”

Jealousy summons a whole host of negative emotions in its wake. It hijacks your thoughts and carries them into dangerous places. It is as though a demon (Shakespeare’s “monster”) has perched on your shoulders and is guiding you deeper and deeper into hell.

Jealousy robs you of perspective. Your reality becomes flat — it loses its texture, its dimensions. You compare everything in your life to a single variable: “I can’t be happy until I have … money, love, fame, a good job, etc.”

It robs your relationships with other people, too. When clouded by jealousy, you can only see others as enemies to your self-image. You cannot see them as they are. Worst…



Tom Beck
Mind Cafe

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