The Unexpected Reason Why You Don't Know What You Want

Going Back to Our Foundations


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

What all of us want is to be joyful and fulfilled, right? Yet, this is an abstract concept. I might love singing, which you might find nothing but dreadful. This brings three reflections:

  • Do you know what brings you joy?
  • Do you allow yourself to fully rejoice in the things that bring you joy on daily basis?
  • Do you know what you truly want — and do you go after it?

These reflections will show you 1) how much you actually know yourself, 2) how much you allow yourself to be, and 3) the disconnection between what you say and what you live.

When we catch ourselves not being very honest and clear with these answers, what we see is that we have much more confusion within us than we think.

When we lack clarity nothing is ever enough and nothing you get lives up to expectation, for, well, that’s what confusion does.

We don't know what we want because we are confused. But why is that?

A major (and unexpected) reason of our confusion is lack of self-love and self-acceptance.



Aline Ra M | Healer, Coach & Spiritual Teacher
Mind Cafe

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